A good marriage is the foundation for raising children.
Creating a Good Marriage is the foremost reason for a Happy Family.
There are many valid reasons for divorce.
Marriage is a gift from our loving God.
The founder of marriage is God who first intended for mankind.
Therefore,marriage is useful and blessed. For example, a good marriage is the best foundation for family life.
Having a good and healthy marriage is very important for the neighborhood, family, country, Christian church, and even the world.
Marriage is the most important institution in the world that involves regardless of poor and rich ,male and female.
Children need to find an environment where they can grow up in peace with their parents’ love, discipline, and guidance.
However, marriage is not established solely to raise children.
What are the benefits of good friendships?
How can marriage be like a threefold cord?
Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their hard work; If one of them should fall, the other one can lift him up; but when a man falls, it is trouble for him who has no one to lift him up.
If two lie together, they will keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone?
And if one overpower another that is alone, two can withstand him; a threefold cord cannot quickly be torn in two.”
For example :- I will tell you the story of a family.
A father had twelve (12) children. These children were brothers but they were not united
When their father saw this, he sought a way to teach them. At this their father tied together twelve (12) sticks for holding and gave them each to break.
The stick is tied together and cannot be broken easily.
When he separated the staff and gave it to each of them
but they broke it so easily.
Note:marriage has great power. A man cannot do it alone but when he gets a helper he can do it in a short time and as easily.
And a woman who cannot succeed alone can become perfect when she finds the right husband.
A man cannot make his body want it alone. Nor can a woman alone make her circumcision what she wants.
Of course, nothing is more intimate than marriage. such unity provides help, comfort, and protection. Especially, their united marriage becomes even stronger if there is something added.
If the main goal of both husband and wife is to please God, their marriage will be a threefold cord. God becomes part of the marriage and their unity becomes stronger. In marriage, add God, the founder of the marriage, to yourself and further strengthen the love and unity of the marriage.
For those who struggle with sexual desire, marriage is important
Sex brings true happiness only in marriage. Sex in marriage can be viewed as a source of happiness.
(Proverbs 5:18)
Even after passing what the Bible calls the age of marriage, or “the bloom of youth,” a single person may still feel sexual desires that are difficult to control. If left unchecked, such desires can lead to unclean or improper actions.
sex outside of Marriage increases Sin. It also paves the way for generations to live in freedom.
Sexual intercourse in the gay is respectful. I am honorable,honorable in the sight of God.
The inspired Paul wrote this counsel to single people:
“But if they cannot contain, let them marry; for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.”
1 Corinthians 7:9, 36;
James 1:1
Whatever the reason for getting married, it is good to have the right view of marriage. As Paul wrote, those who divorce “will have tribulation in their flesh.” (1 Corinthians 7:28) Divorced people face challenges that single people do not.
If you choose to get married, there are things you need to do to reduce the problems and maximize your happiness in marriage.
One way is to choose your mate wisely.
The person you choose to marry should be responsible.
Things You Need to Choose a Partner.
- Marrying an unbeliever or an atheist can often get us into trouble.
Paul was inspired to give guidance on choosing a marriage mate.
👉 “Do not be bound equally with the disbelievers.
His illustration is based on what is seen on the farm. If animals that are physically or strongly mismatched are put together, both will be affected. Similarly, when a believer and a disbeliever marry, there is no doubt that conflict and problems will arise.
👉 If one spouse wants to keep himself in God's love, while the other has little or no concern about the matter, their priorities will differ, causing great distress.
Hence, Paul counseled Christians to marry “only in the faith.”
—1 Corinthians 7:3
👉 Sometimes Christians decide that it is better to marry an unbeliever than to remain single. Some have violated Bible counsel by marrying an unbeliever. As a result, they have often been in danger. Those who have done so have found that their mate does not talk to them about important matters. The loneliness they feel will be much greater than it was before they got married.
👉 It is heartwarming that thousands of single Christians have believed and applied God's counsel in this regard.
--(Psalm 32:8)
Although they hope to get married one day, they remain single until they find a God-fearing mate.
Choosing a marriage mate wisely.
Just because all of God's servants are Witnesses does not mean that they are good marriage mates.
If you want to get married,
a man who loves God, too
choose someone who shares your spiritual qualities and goals.
The reliable staff will help you in this regard by providing you with relevant literature.
Ideas found in various religious books.
👉 In many cultures, parents choose a marriage partner for their children.
✍ In such a culture, parents are believed to have the wisdom and experience to make this very important choice.
Marriages instituted by the choices made by parents are as good today as they were in the past.
Abraham's sending his servant to find a wife for his son Isaac sets a fine example for those in a similar situation today. Abraham was not concerned with money and fame. He went a long way to find a virgin from among God's worshipers to be a wife for his son.
What Does Your Spouse Want from You?
Although I am old enough to marry, I can still benefit from being single for a while.
If I choose to marry, it is best if the person I marry is faithful to God.
If you are seriously considering marriage, ask yourself: ‘Am I really ready? Your answer is
👉 A loving attitude,
👉 Sexual desire,
👉 Friendship or
👉 Not just having children.
There are certain goals any prospective partner should think about.
A young man contemplating marriage applies the principle: “Prepare your ground, and do not build a house until you have enough to eat!” he must think carefully.
In those days, if a person wanted to “build a house,” or start a family, he would ask himself: ‘Have I made arrangements to support my future wife and children? He must prepare his garden and living space first.
This principle applies today. A person contemplating marriage must prepare himself to take on the responsibilities of marriage. He should work as long as his strength allows. God’s Word shows that a man who does not provide for his family physically, emotionally, and spiritually is worse than an unbeliever!
👉 A virgin who decides to get married agrees to take on many responsibilities. The Bible praises some of the qualities and abilities that a wife needs as she helps her husband and cares for her family.
✍men and women who rush into marriage without being prepared for the responsibilities required of them are selfish because they do not think about what they will do for their spouse. Most important, though, those contemplating marriage need to be prepared to apply godly principles in their marriage.
All who want to get married do well to get married on the basis of Scriptural principles.
👉 Preparing for marriage involves thinking about the responsibilities God has given to husband and wife. One must understand exactly what it means to be the head of a Christian family. This does not mean that he oppresses his family. He must be the head and follow Jesus’ example.
A Christian wife should also appreciate her vital role as a wife. She must be willing to obey “the law of her husband.”
Her husband’s authority over her head is another rule for her. It is important to know that you are willing to support this sinner and that you must submit to his authority.
👉 If you are not interested, you should not marry. In addition, each partner must be prepared to meet the other’s greatest needs.
Paul wrote: “Let each one of you individually so love his wife as he does himself; on the other hand, the wife should have deep respect for her husband.”
he wrote in the 1990s.
Paul recognized that under God’s guidance, a husband wants his wife to feel honored.
A wife wants to know that her husband loves her.
Premarital Testing
Why do couples exercise self-control when dating?
Many couples make him live with someone else when they start dating.
Therefore, the time to study marriage should not be passed as a joke. This time for men and women
When they learn how to take care of each other,
It is a time when they understand whether it is right to get married. Also,
This is a time for self-control!
Physical intimacy is natural, and the challenges in this regard are not easy. Yet, people who truly love each other refrain from doing anything that would damage their loved one’s relationship with God.
If you are dating, exercise self-control whether you are married or not, for it will benefit you for the rest of your life.
Many people have ruined many relationships with their lack of self-control.
Prolong the life of the marriage by talking about the problems in marriage with the mother and husband.