Characteristics of the Seven Churches of the New Testament.
The book of Revelation was written by John, a disciple of Jesus. This book was written after the Gospels were written. It was written around 80__9
This book of Revelation was revealed to John before it was written and commanded by his God to write it.God
It is thought that many of Jesus’ disciples were not alive when John wrote this book.
This vision appeared to John on the island of Patmos on the island of Agia.
The Agian Sea is located between Europe and Asia.
The sea covers an area of ,215,000 km 2 and is 2639 meters deep.
Paximo Island = this island of Paximo is a place where those who commit serious crimes,those who are involved in political issues,or exacerbated sisaayan cases are imprisoned there.
In this place,the dam,many die due to cold or poisonous animals.
It is unthinkable that a man will be abandoned in this place and his life will be lost.
John was thrown into this place for the sake of the gospel.
But John, with the help of God, escaped into a place where no one could escape.
Where man sees death he sees heaven open.
Where there was the fear of death and the sound of anxiety, he heard the Voice of God.
He was also able to get out of there with the help of the believers in Ephesus.
It is a place where no one can save anyone on this island. But God was with John. It is the voice of life on earth that deserves to be and exists even in heaven ,and it explains exactly what the life of Christians after death is like. There is a life-giving and hope-filled message in this book.
There is still hope , there is hope for Christians, God is everywhere ,there is no place to hide from God.
In short, the book of Revelation was written in this form.
The history of the 7 churches
1st Church of Ephesus.
There were hardworking servants of the Lord in the church in Ephesus.Paul was eating this church for 3 years. Timothy, Apollos, John the writer of Revelation served in this church.
Ephesus is the place where the gospel was preached.
In the city of Ephesus, however, it was occupied by the idol of Diana or the worship of Artemis.
The worship of Diana is full of many disgusting practices and immorality. A person who is strong in the religion of this religion commits adultery with the priests of the religion to worship and serve them. This is considered a reward. This is called to gain strength or grace.
It is a city that has gone through a terrible fall.
The main road leading out of Ephesus stops near this hall.
The Ephesians have given their whole lives and their whole possessions to the idol Artemis.
It is a dirty workplace where morri ,many pornographic images are down and the country is full.
The message of the church in Ephesus
1 “To the angel of the church in Ephesus write: These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven candlesticks; and that thou sufferest not evil men, and hast tried them that say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars.
These seven stars are symbolized by the leaders or shepherds of the church.
The Lord carries the shepherds on His right hand they can lead the shepherd who has fallen from this right hand to become his people.
God knows all the work that is done in the church. The Lord said to the Ephesians , I know your works
The church in Ephesus was praised by the Lord.
1,Her patience.
The church in Ephesus had a great struggle. The minds of the people of that country are filled with adultery. Which she endured for the Lord’s sake to correct and straighten him out.
2,Her reaching out to the wicked and liars she tested.
who stood up against them, and forbade them to do so in the church, but kept silence.
Paul labored in this church for three years,tearfully exhorting them to change them.
They stuck to what Paul told them. We looked at the silent liars and thieves
3, They hate the works of the Nicolaitans and their teacher whom the Lord hates.
This Nicholas is the same as the name Balaam.
The word Balaam comes from two words, bala and aam
Disaster means destruction
Aam means to control.together it means to destroy,to overcome the controller.
It comes from two Greek words
Nicodemus and laws
This means winning over the people.
The teacher of the Nicolaitans was a wicked teacher. First there was a man named Nicodemus. This man was first a Gentile, then he converted to Judaism and then to Christianity. Later this man took the work he liked when he was a foreigner, the work he liked when he converted to Judaism and the work he liked when he was a Christian and began to mix with the teacher.
And what the Lord found in them was that they had forsaken the love they had before.
They loved,they were but they forgot they forgot,. And love is the greatest of all. And they fell away from this love.
The Lord said remember what you have fallen from and repent this. Tahu opened but the carrier said he would take your lamp before you.
To take your lampstand before you means to cut off my light from you.or I will take away the protection from you.
I will take you under my calling of my ownership. Because God is love,a Christian must hold on to love.
God wants the fallen to rise, the lost to return, and the lost to remain.
Repentance is not just remembering what he did wrong but correcting what he did wrong and returning to righteousness. What they fall from ,what they leave behind is to get back to the love before.
2nd Smyrna Church
History of the city of symyrna
This city is located in Asia
It is a beautiful and rich city.
The city is known as the glory of Asia
The city is a major commercial center.
It is a city known for its idolatry.
Especially with the cult of the empire.
The Roman emperors gave great recognition to the city of Smyrna.
Later, the governor Domesian made it compulsory for all subjects of the Roman Empire to worship the empire.
They made everyone testify that Caesar was Lord by burning incense with their mouths.
Those who did so were given prophetic papers. A person who does not have this is given to an animal that is now eaten.
Because of this, they were greatly persecuted in this city.
And unto the angel of the church in Smyrna write; These things saith the first and the last, which was dead, and is alive again; I know thee that say thou art a Jew, and thou art a synagogue of Satan.
He told them that the Lord was not dead, but alive. This showed that they would not be left as their kings died.
The church said to the Lord, I know your works. Even though they were in great trouble, God knew them.
And if they are not Jews, I have heard those who call themselves Jews and speak evil of them, saying that they are a meeting of Satan
This means the hopeless ,the lost and the dead.
The Lord said, I have seen poverty from you, but you are rich.
The Christians in this city are not poor because of their illness or hate work but because of their lack of social service for the Lord.
They refused to worship the Empire and had no prophecy papers so they had no difficulty in hoeing,getting support.
This church is rich and wealthy as a person but as a Lord. Their poverty for Christ is great riches in the sight of God.
This church has a strong leader. Polycarp, a disciple of John, was in this church.
Rev 2:1
Do not be afraid of the things you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to cast some of you into prison, that you may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days; and be thou faithful unto death. And I will give you the crown of life.
Again the Lord told them that there was trouble ahead of them. But now he finally reminded them that they had to be faithful. But at the end he told them that they would be given a crown of life.
There are those who say that the ten days tribulation ,will be upon them by 10 kings and there are those who say that it will be upon them by 10 Roman kings.
The Lord gives them the crown called His crown of Stephen. It is said that the person who finishes the race victoriously receives the crown. This crown is life-giving, not coollage-destroying.
“He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death. God is telling them that even if they die the death of the flesh, they will not die the 2nd death and that the 2nd death has no power over them.
3rd, Pergamon Church
The city is located in the turkish region. In Asia Minor it was the seat of the Roman emperor.
She had a great library. It is a well-known idolatry.
The worship of empires was well known.
A god known as the creator and healer who has the form of a snake, the snake lives in a human-adapted place, and things like touching his sick snake to heal him
a quote that the parents perform and worship.
Rev 2:12—1
To the apostle of the church in Pergamum, ‘
This message comes from the one with the sharp-edged sword. 13 And he said unto me, I know thy works, where thou dwellest, even where Satan dwelleth: and thou holdest fast my name, and didst not deny my faith, even in the days of Antipas my witness, my faithful one, who was killed among you, where Satan dwells.
I wanted to test this church for its voice like a sword. And the Word of God knows everything. He wanted to cleanse them.
But this place where they lived was the seat of Satan.
Antipas testified that when my believers were killed, they would not turn away from the Lord.
4th ,Theater association
The theater city is the turkish city of today.
BC This city is also known as Lydia.
Lydia means beautiful.
It means that Lydia came from the theater city and heard the gospel preached by Paul.
Many people in this city are known for their carpentry skills.
This is what they do in unity.
Although the persecution in this city is not like in other countries,but they trade in unity and it can only work if one joins this unity. In this way, there is pressure on believers.
Message to the Theater Society
And unto the angel of the church in Thyatira write; These things saith the Son of God, who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire, and his feet are like fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace;
Jesus called Himself the Son of God to reveal Himself and His identity.
The Jews hear something from someone by identifying whose son,kama tribe ,he is.
For example, if the father is a king, his son is also a king because the son inherits the father.
When Jesus describes Himself as the Son of God, it is to make them aware of His divinity.
But Jesus is not to boast about it, but to get this message to the people.
His eyes are like flames of fire, signifying that He is a judge, and that He gives righteous judgment. And to tell this church that judgment is coming upon them.
It means that the copper is taken out like a pit in the fire
It is to show that the cup of their judgment is filled from below to above.
Rev 2:1
The apostle said, “I know thy works, and charity, and service, and faith, and thy patience, and thy works; and the last to be more than the first.
The works of every human being are visible in the sight of God.
Even if this church is small, its work is visible in the sight of God.
In this church Jesus found 4 great things.
1,He found love
2,He gained faith
3,Found a helpful parent
4,He found patience.
This church did not sit back and boast that it had it but continued its good works more than before.
But I have this against thee, that thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, and teacheth and seduceth my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.
This Jezebel is written in the Old Testament. This woman who lived in those days did not do this but the work she did that a woman continued to do.
This woman is a self-made prophet, not a true prophet.
Many also say that this woman could be the mother of the church leader.
In the Old Testament this Jezebel was the mother of King Ahab She was killing and persecuting the prophets of God at that time. She also made them work for idols. This woman likewise taught the people of God that there was no problem in joining the unity of the merchants and got them out of the way.
God found her teaching on them because the theater church did not ban it. And the gods were guilty of this
They have caused the merchants to be exposed to adultery when they meet in the hall of the idol apholo.
I gave her time to repent; but she repented not of her whoredoms.
God had given her a chance to repent. But she couldn’t get back. And God does not want even the least of those who believe in Him to perish.
Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of her works.
And I will kill her children with pestilence; and all the churches shall know that I am he that searcheth the reins and hearts. And I will give to every one of you according to your works.
King Ahab’s wife was finally thrown out and her blood was drunk by dogs and her body was eaten by dogs and pigs.
The Lord told the woman that if she refused to change her mind, He would strike her with sickness, give her a bed of sickness, and kill her children.
But unto you I say, and unto the rest in Thyatira, as many as have not this doctrine, and which have not known the depths of Satan, as they speak; I will put upon you none other burden. But that which ye have already hold fast till I come.
And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations:
And he shall shepherd them with an iron scepter, that he may dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.
And I will give him the dawning of the sun, just as I have received authority from my Father. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
God knows everyone’s heart. Many sinful things are being taken for granted in this age.
But God told them that He would let those who were now waiting for His end enter His kingdom. Abo told them that he would give them ,his own inheritance that he would give them.
He also explained that the theater church has many eyes of spiritual works that please the Lord but this teacher who silently watches the false prophets worked by the spirit of Jezebel will bring punishment upon them.
5,th Church of Sardis
History of the city of sardes
Sardan comes from the Greek word. It means red (red).
The church of Sardes is now in Turkey and was known as Sarti in those days.
In 17 AD, the CITY of Sardis was destroyed by an earthquake. Before them it was a rich country and a capital ,it is a country with its own administration.
Because she has natural resources,but she was able to get back in a hurry.
A country surrounded by mountains or hills was found.
The country has a pitolas river in it. The river naturally contains gold. People can easily access resources.
It is a country off the trade line.
They were the ones who were able to hold their own coins in the 6th century and they made the goldi kohini santiba.they were the city that made santiba from gold.
This is a country known for its idolatry.
In the idol hall, fornication is their act of worship.
This country was occupied by the enemies of both kings because of their excessive self-confidence.
3:1″And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write; These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars; I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead.
Verse 7 describes the fullness of God.This is to show that the authority for the whole Christian church is with the Lord Jesus.
The seven stars are to signify that they are the leaders of the Christian church.
God said I know your works,you claim to live for the sake of name but you are dead. In her opinion, this church is on the right track ,and alive, but in the sight of God it is not.
The Lord knows everything ,the works of man are manifest before the Lord.
2 Arise, and awake; Strengthen what is left that is about to die! for I have not found thy works perfect before God.
Again, remember that you received and heard what was passed on to you! And repent of your heart! If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee. 4 Thou hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments; And they shall walk with me in white: for they are worthy.
Overall, I think God is pleased with this church but according to God’s mind it is an incomplete church with life and God gave it another chance to keep it alive.
6th , Philadelphia Society
this is the history of philadelphia.
This city of Philadelphia is the last of the seven churches to be founded.
The city was founded by Atalees II. He was a ruler from 159–138 who came from Sardinia and founded the city. The city is the center of Hellenism or Greek culture and language ,which means they come to practice all their arts and philosophy and all in this city of Philadelphia.
The purpose of the city was to make it a place to promote the mission of Hellenism.
Hellenism includes Greek culture, Greek language. It is a system to promote their culture and language.
The name of the city is from Atalas. This man had the masochistic name of felaadofos. From this he named it.
Philadelphia means brotherly love.
It is a town 30 miles southeast of Sardis.
This city is prosperous. Many people come to this area. It passes through its main trade route.
The famous Olompas building is located inside it. This is an idol name.
The word Olympics itself comes from the name of the idol Olympic.
Epistle to the Church in Philadelphia
7 “To the angel of the church in Philadelphia’, say, ‘These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; caafi!
Jesus is a sinless man who is God.
The holiness of the church is to remind us that He revealed Himself to God and that Jesus is God.
The Greeks raised philosophy as a reality in human life and Jesus revealed Himself to the real one. Let them understand that there is no truth without Him.
He told her that the Lord is always pure and true, without mixture and stain.
These Greeks tell two truths. He says ,1truth is not falsehood.
2,They say that everything that does not contain deception is true.
Jesus is the truth without lies and deception.
People can live by deceiving people by pretending to be true when there is a lie in that country by making camps and magic in their profession.
8 The angel said, “I know thy works, that thou hast a little power, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name. Behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it.”
This opening of David signifies the fulfillment of the Davidic covenant.
A covenant sworn to a witch is not a covenant based on circumstances.
✍Isaiah 22:20–2
And I, the Lord, will call my servant Eliakim the son of Hilkiah;
and I will clothe him with thy girdle, and bind thy sash upon his loins, and I will give him thy charge; and he shall be a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and to the house of Judah; and I will set upon him the scepter wherewith he shall open the house of David; and whom he openeth, no man shutteth; and whom he shutteth, no man openeth;
God had sworn to David that He would never trouble the seed of Him who would prevail from His throne.
To show that Jesus was born of the seed of David,holds the throne of David,and has the kingdom.
David first ruled the Jews in Hebron for 7 years but then God added the victory He gave him and he became king over all of Israel.
David built the city ,and as soon as he took the keys in his hands ,Jesus revealed that the king who took the keys from David could open the kingdom of God. It also signifies that he is the king of eternity.
He told them that these Philadelphians had little power. This means that they are not weaknesses that have fallen ,or fallen down but a church that has mosied the greatness of God upon itself and always humbled itself to receive grace from God knowing their weaknesses and praying to God.
The doors are open.
For a great door and effectual is opened unto me, and there are many adversaries. 1 Cor,16:9
Now when I came to Troas for the gospel of Christ, and when a door was opened unto me in the Lord, 2 Cor,2:1
And for us, that God may open unto us a door for the word, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in bonds: Col. 4:3
The door that the Lord said is open is the door of the gospel.
He told them that He would open a door for them to preach the gospel and that no one could shut it.
The Lord swore to give them an open door to spread the gospel in this city beyond the culture of the Greeks.
This church submitted itself to God’s hands and did not rely on its own faithfulness.
This door is also said to be the door of the kingdom of God.
This little power that reveals I can still stand alone and I cannot live without you appeared to be glorious in the sight of God.
The Lord told her to give her three things.
1,He told them to give them an Open Door
2,To be faithful to Jesus and His name.
3,he said he would betray the so-called Jews.
4,when temptations come upon the whole world, God told them that He would save them.
This church has been able to endure those who lie and call themselves Jews.
The Lord said that He would come soon, not that He would come soon to fulfill what He had said to them, but that He would reveal His coming. Now he told them that they were finally faithful, that she would continue the race so that no one would take their crown of victory from them.
God made them pillars and strengthened them ,telling them to stand firm.
In general, this church in Philadelphia is a church that God is pleased with and loves.
7th ,Laodicean Church
The church in Laodicea is a church in Asia.
the name comes from two Greek words, Layos and dayik.
Layos means people
Dayik means right.
This city has many Jews living in it.
She worshiped Aeschylus, or the god of medicine.
It is a rich and prosperous country.
It is a country rich in natural resources.
This city is known for three main things
1,Finance development is a country demte
2,It has a textile industry
3,It should have an eye drop industry.
It is a world famous manufacturer of eye drops.
They are a country that is very proud of its nationalism.
On the other hand, there is a serious problem and shortage of water.
She brings water delayed from another place about 6 miles away.
For this reason, she cannot fight her enemy bravely. This is because they cut off her water. Therefore, the supremacy of the nation is paramount in this country. It is a peaceful country. It is a country that does not want war.
There is a natural steam spring called Herapolis ,which is 6 miles away and when it reaches it, it reaches them with fresh water.

The Letter to the Church in Laodicea
Rev 3:14—1
And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; The angel said, “I know thy works; you are neither blue nor red in your work; would that thou were blue or red!
But you are a product; So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth
Jesus amen to God that is, through him all things are made.
God’s plan is fulfilled or let it be only through Jesus.
Jesus is a faithful witness.
The word beginning signifies the source of all things.
The Lord spoke to the church in connection with the story of life in this city.
God said that they want man to be diligent but it is better than being productive. Because if they were cold, they would change their minds and return. But they are neither burning nor cold.
There are many Jews in this city. They are either not attached to the Lord, or not away from the Lord, living between the two.
To have a broken heart is likened to a heart that God has completely abandoned.
This can come back when it is difficult to survive.
This existence is a result. They are those who live in self-deception. Although we deceive ourselves that they contain a little heat when we cold them, they contain a little cold so that we can be told that they burn. for others, they are in the world with one hand and in the Lord with the other. This, like the Lord Judas, ended in evil in the midst of the animals.
The Laodicean church was so mindful of the supremacy of this people that it was impossible to answer the harsh words spoken by anyone who was bright. The church is more law-abiding than the law of the Lord. There is no explanation that even if someone has done what he wants, let alone it is a sin.
The Laodicean church calls itself three (3) things
1,I am rich
2,I have delivered
3,they say there is something I need
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of God, but this church said I need nothing.
The Lord said 5 things to him which are
- ,You Are Deep
2, You are naked - ,I am blind
4, I am sorry
5,,which is to be laughed at He cut their backs. In the sight of God, however, they are poor, needy, blind while selling eye medicine but sick. And of all this they don’t know about themselves. God finally called them to repentance.
He told them to buy from him eye drops and pure gold tested by fire .that is, the riches of God are greater than the riches of this world. God is able to reward spiritually and physically. He clothes them in white robes which is a symbol of victory,righteousness,which signifies. Without God there is no righteousness. Buy from me more eye drops than the ones you sell that will cure you of blindness.The Lord speaks to them to open the eyes of their spirit and change their outlook. God wants to raise the fallen and restore them by Reconciliation. Thanks be to God amen