Finally, keep the Miracles for the good things on yourself!
Christianity does not mean faith, it means being called to a new life. God did not like the oldness of mankind, so He sent His new Son to this earth, who can renew all mankind!
This world has two chapters. One chapter is the old chapter, and the second chapter is the new chapter. And two races of men lived in these two chapters. It means the old Seed and His new Seed. In this case, Christians are those living in the second chapter and those of the new seed. They are those who have moved From the old to the new. When I say that life on earth has two chapters.
Chapter 1 of the
It was the time of the children of Adam or the time when mankind was under the oppression of the Devil and sin. That is a time when mankind has no new life. It was a time when old age was attached to human identity and man lived apart from God. Although Satan is the chief for the beginning of this chapter, the permissive is human. This chapter is a time when God and man live apart and man and Satan live in harmony. It was the time when the world was besieged and mankind lost the dignity of Humanity.
Chapter 2 is the 2nd!
It is the time when Christ restored lost children to God. It is a time when the old has passed and the new has come. The Bible says that.
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; the old things have passed away; behold, the new has come. (2 Cor 5:17)
When a person belongs to Christ, he is a new creation. Only Jesus can take away the old nature of curse and sin. The renewal of the human mind from old life and practices begins the day a person believes in Jesus, the Son of God. Everyone who believes has begun a new life and a new path. Even if we believe today, our minds are not renewed today, when we believe today, the journey of mind renewal begins in us today. Without the renewal of our hearts, we cannot understand God’s love and purpose. When the mind of Our heart is renewed, we will have the mind of Christ and please God! Do not follow the example of this past age! To understand God’s mind, first renew yourself@
Do not follow the example of this passing age! And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. And the love of God is to prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. (Rom 12:2)
Before we look at Renewing the Mind, we will look at where our mind is.
Mankind is created in the image of God. What does this mean? Does this mean that God is a human being like us? No! That we are created in His image and likeness (Tselem (Idol); means that we are created from three things. Just as the unity of God is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit; as these three make us one, the unity of God is such that God created us according to His unity.
Man consists of three things.
1) The body (flesh)
This is our flesh. God created Our flesh. This is a visible, accessible and accessible body behind the scenes. It includes the lips that help us breathe, the eyes that help us to touch our hands or skin, the tongue that helps us to see, the tongue that helps us to taste and the ears that help us to hear. In total, it means our five sense organs.
God gave us this body so that we can thank Him. Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? And you received this Spirit from God; for ye are a temple of his Spirit, which ye are not of yourselves. (1 Cor 6:19)
So our body is also the temple of God. So this body is one of the three things that God created for us.
2) The Soul
The second body of which man is made is the soul. It’s called ‘#psuche’ in Greek. In Hebrew it is called #nephesh or #nefesh. So this soul is what we call the Mind. Our feelings(Feelings), our minds They live in our Soul. And according to the Bible our soul lives in the #blood. So eating blood is killing.
So our mind is our Soul. It is the Spirit of God by whom we are born again that renews our minds.
3) The Spirit
The word Spirit is called #Ruach or #Neshamah in Hebrew. In Greek it is called #Pneuma Our spirit is the body that identifies us with God. A person is said to be saved when he is born again spiritually. By this Spirit a person can be born again and see God. Our spirit is our identity with God.
There are various teachings about the identity of these three persons. Three views in particular are expressed by Christians of different doctrines.
1) #Monism – According to this doctrine, body, soul, and spirit cannot be separated. They say they cannot be separated from each other.
2) The doctrine of #Dichotomy – According to those who follow this doctrine, man consists of two things. While the first is flesh, the second takes Soul and spirit together. They say that soul and spirit cannot be separated.
3) The doctrine of #Trichotomy – This doctrine is the doctrine that the body, soul, and spirit are three separate bodies. A Christian who understands the Bible must believe this. Because according to 1 Thessalonians 5:23 and Hebrews 4:12, these three things are separate bodies and not one.
For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword. and is able to discern the thoughts and intents of the heart. (Heb 4:1)
As we can see from these two verses, the three are different and therefore this teaching of the doctrine of #Trichotomy is important for all Christians.
A person must be spiritually born again or saved to renew his mind.
Of course, God made us in His image and likeness. This means that we are God-like according to biblical interpretation and according to scholars and biblical scholars;
first… that we are created in the image of the Triune God. Just as God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit are one, so we are Spirit, Soul and Flesh. The temple of Israel was built in three parts. It is the Holy of Holies, the Holy of Holies (Altar of Incense) and the outermost room. That is how God created us. Even His telling Moses that the Temple would be built in this way shows the unity of the Body of God and the unity of the Body of man.
God made us in His image by giving us the Life-giving Spirit through the lips. He wanted His Spirit to dwell in us. This is a sign that we are following ourselves. Let’s look at how God first created us in the book of Genesis.
And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living creature. (Gen 2:7)
You will find three things in this scripture.
1) The Earth (Our Flesh)
It tells us that it is Our flesh that was created from the dust of the earth. Our spatial flesh consists of the five sense organs. Our bodies look at the world and speak to our souls. They are next to each other because our souls are in the blood. It brings Our flesh to life and makes it feel.
2) Living Beings (Human Souls)
In this verse, “And man became a living creature!” This is what he says; that man is created with a Soul. This soul is the One who responds to our feelings, our thoughts, our anger, our joy, our sorrow, our decision making and so on. Our soul is our #identity. A person’s identity is in his soul. This soul is the center of the Body and the Spirit. He takes information from the flesh and passes it on to the Spirit. When necessary, it takes information from the Spirit and passes it on to the Flesh. Our mind This is where she is.
3) The Spirit of Life (our Spirit)
We have seen that she is called #neshamah in Hebrew. From Proverbs 20:27 the Word of life and the Word here (breath of life) indicate that He is #Spirit. So this is our Spirit. God thus created man with these three bodies. Even in the first creation, mankind was created with these three things. Then there will be no death. Man was neither spiritually nor physically dead.
Our spirit is the body that identifies us with God. God’s spirit is not the same as ours. People without Christ are spiritually dead. It is when the human spirit is born again that they believe in Jesus. Then our spirit is born, and the Spirit of the Lord dwells in us.
So it is the Spirit of the Lord and our born again spirit that makes us children of God. These two spirits work together to make us children of God.
The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: (Rom 8:16)
The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: A person who now receives the Spirit of God cannot be called a child of God even if his spirit is born again. He who does not have the Spirit does not have life, for there is no resurrection except by the Spirit at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you. (Rom 8:11)
This Spirit is the one who makes us children of God and gives us eternal life. So it is When a person receives the Spirit of God and when his spirit is born again That his mind can be renewed. By the renewal of the minds of such men, they will be transformed and grown into the image of the Son of God, becoming blameless at the coming of our Lord. Thus God makes us perfect.
And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thess 5:23)
Finally, when we cling to God in the Spirit, we become one with Him and understand God’s thoughts and love.
Thanks be to God our Father who loved to change us and make us aware of His thoughts and love. Blessed.
we will see how a person must renew his mind after birth. To renew your mind, you must first feel the transition from slavery to sonship. Here are a few steps to help you refresh your mind.
Steps to Renew our minds.
1) Don’t expect another miracle!
Fill your minds with the Word of God!!! Many people say, “Until a wind comes and makes me human now, I can’t be human either!” they say. Such people will never see the victory! Don’t expect a wonderful time in your life! Such moments are in your mind, not on earth.
2) Don’t convince yourself that you can’t control your thoughts!
“I can’t control my thoughts, my thoughts have controlled me!” people who say they are dead under themselves. Our lives may ask us questions. Our minds can talk to us about many things with our flesh. But we need to speak the word of God to them. Many times God’s Word may not be understood quickly. However, we must stop there. It is the Word of God that we must meditate on day and night. Read the scripture below!
Ps 1:2
Joshua 1:8
Phil 4:8
Your mind is either a servant of your Spirit or a servant of your flesh, but it cannot live on its own. If the flesh prevails, it lives with the flesh, if the spirit prevails, it lives with the spirit.
3) What you feed your mind will be your attitude.
Now that we pour out what we have filled our minds with, our attitude will not change. I will tell you about our differences in perspectives and differences in mind.
—Attitude is what commands you.
—-And the mind is what you command.
I will tell you how to change your mind. Fill your minds with the words of the gospel. Start talking the Gospel. Don’t let your tongue measure only your current situation. Make your tongue the Word of God that is above your circumstances and can change your circumstances!”
You can only refresh your mind if you can tell your current situation from above. Jesus remembered more about the voice of God than about his hunger. A strong man is one who stands up to difficult circumstances and speaks the word of God.
4) Reject bad thoughts and accept good thoughts!
Negative thoughts may come to your mind. You have to restrain such thoughts. Allowing such thoughts prevents us from renewing our minds. John C. Maxwell said, “You can’t stop a bird from circling over your head, but you can stop it from sitting on your head.
Casting down every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; (2 Cor 10:5)
5) You have to keep the background.
God did not create the world in a day. It takes time to be done. Some people get up today and pretend to be great. This does not show how a person renews his mind.
When God looks at what He has done on the third day, everything is fine. There is something left that is going to be done and completed. Now we will not stop being made until the day we go to Christ.
6) We should move forward thanking God for the little change we have seen and rejoicing in ourselves.
God did not compare heaven and earth. When you want to refresh your mind, Don’t compare it with someone else’s.
Be happy for the little changes you see in yourself, don’t worry about being like abalone! The little change you see in yourself is not anyone’s, it is yours and you should move forward to be happy.
Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ: (Phil 1:6)
7)Finally, keep the Miracles for the good things on yourself!
There are over 250 Promises in the Bible. Expect this on your life, and don’t expect the wrong thing on yourself. You must think that these are for you, that your country is in Heaven and that you have no inheritance from this earth.
Someone gets up in the morning and says, “Something bad is going to happen to me today, I’ve been crossed by a black fox!” He keeps saying it. Why don’t you get out of your Luka? You are scribbled on the hand of God, not on ugly luck for a black dog.
And God is above all things.