The Armor of the Christian And His Spiritual Life.
Satan was the Chief of God’s angels before he was cast out or before he fell.
He was a symbolic and glorious mission.
Satan was filled with pride in his beauty and thought of taking the throne of God God saw this evil thought and threw it down. He took 1/3 of the angels and fell. Since this message, Satan has been in a great hurry.
I cannot go back to the glory I came out of. Jesus died for man, not for fallen angels. The mercy of God sent to the Son of Man.
They hope to return to the glory that Satan has left. But mankind had the opportunity to ascend through Jesus, the Son of God.
Satan is the Enemy of Christians who can never befriend and reconcile.
Satan is so angry that he does not want anyone to live with God.
A Christian’s struggle is not with the Incarnate Man but with the evil Spirit of Satan.
Spiritual warfare is not taken lightly in the Pentecostal movement.
The work of evil spirits is that man does not exist for the purpose for which he was created.
Muka’uuma ,sending to people, makes the mind of the person full of pain.It also makes the person hate himself, despair, not say for his dreams, lose the joy of the whole heart and be defeated. When such signs are seen in a person, it is considered that the person has been defeated by the evil spirit and is under his control.
When they completely control one’s life it makes one filled with fear ,insecurity.
Spiritual Warfare
Spiritual warfare means a conflict or battle between believers and Satan.
Satan is a deceiver,a deceiver.
Only the name of Jesus can cast out Satan.
When Satan saw Jesus they were crying out in the distance ,and they knew he was tormenting them.
When we say spiritual warfare, Satan is fighting not only against our spirit but also against our flesh.
The casting out of Satan began in the Old Testament.
Jesus was a big question to the Jewish parents when he was a spy. Because Jesus did not cast out Satan like the Jews did. Because of this, the Jews said that Jesus, the prince of demons, casts out demons. The Jews had a practice of spying on Satan.
Before Jesus came there was a casting out of Satan. But there was no knowing the secret and having power over the devil.They worked as artificial things ,reading different books and spying on different plant leaves.
This doubt still exists in various religions today.
The Jews believed in the law of Moses and the book of Psalms, so they restored the practices of the Babylonians to the scriptures and the teachers learned the subject called qabbala.
Qabbala means to accept ,or welcome.
In the religion of Judaism
The Jews used to spy on the devil by insulting him with the roots of a bitter tree , feeding him and watering him.
It is a teacher (rabbi) and 10 congregation elders standing in it and reading Psalm 91 3 times.
It is said that this teacher or rabbin blows the Shofar and then Satan falls asleep then he asks where he came from and what he is doing and then he is said to leave.
In the New Testament, however, it is possible to cast out Satan in the name of Jesus. this is for those who believe and obey the name of Jesus.
The sons of Scotia called out the name of Paul and in the name of Jesus we cast out devils when they called out to the demon possessed man, I know Jesus and Paul knew who you are.
Even in the beginning, if they had not had power over Satan and cast out Satan, Satan would have deceived them. But when they called him in the name of Jesus, he said, Who are you? In general, many people were casting out demons by being led by the spirits. Such practices exist again this year.
✍,Christians are those who fight in the battle with Jesus.
Jesus is a military commander. It means that a Christian fights Satan under Christ’s direction.
But thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savor of his knowledge by us in every place. 2 Cor,2:1
The victor of these two battles, instead of going bowed, walks with his head held high, singing joyfully, rejoicing, sharing in the captured spoils.
How should a Christian argue ?
The Christian’s job is to rise up against the defeated devil to keep the limits of his victory.
Casting out Satan is an authority given to the believer.
1,By calling on the name of Jesus by force, a Christian can fight Satan.
Calling by force does not mean calling out loud,it must hold on to the faith and life attached to Jesus.
2,By Living Life a Christian can fight the devil.
A virtuous Christian who pleases the Lord can fight the devil. For example, tisisinni ,just as Satan wants a dirty place, those of his evil works of Satan
Tahe worked in love. Similarly, in a holy place, as no tissues are found, one is not fit to live one’s life
He who keeps chastity cannot stay with Satan and live with him. The life of a Christian who lives according to God’s Word has power.The face of our lives should smell like the face of Christ.
3,Practice living a good life by believing in Christ.
Every day the doubter is armed to do God’s will and live according to His Word.
This means that a Christian must be armed.
Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
✍ Gird up your loins with truth;
✍ Clothe yourselves with righteousness as a breastplate, and stand firm.
✍And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
✍ faith as a shield:- take it! with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
✍ Salvation as a crown,
✍ And take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;
When we expose or fight Satan, it is as written about him in the Bible. We cannot change the gender of the devil ,give him contemptuous and belittling words and keep the devil away from us. We must expose Satan in the name of Jesus.
We can even express it by insulting.
Even the archangel Michael, when arguing with Satan about the body of Moses, said, “May the Lord be angry with you!” but do not dare to insult him. But these speak evil things of what they do not know; and what they perceive by natural hearing, as unreasoning animals; in badu.
Those who can stand against Satan, Those who died underground ,those who were crucified with Jesus, those who died with Jesus and those who rose with Him can stand against Satan.
4,A person who always has a life of gratitude.
People who are grateful to God in any situation can stand up to Satan with courage and victory.
Job 1:20–2
Then Job arose from the earth, and rent his mantle, and shaved his head, and fell down upon the ground, and worshipped; And he said, Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.
In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly.
Job was a well-known and wealthy rich man. He lost all his possessions in one day.He lost his ten sons in one day,he lost his wife .in all this, Job blessed and thanked God.
5,We must participate in God’s war.
The battle belongs to God. A Christian who can fight Satan must submit to the almighty hand of God.
David defeated Goliath by submitting to God’s hands, not their shared strength. Goliath trusted in the strength of his fate and was defeated.
Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:
1 Peter 5:6
Submitting to God means submitting to God, submitting to Him, obeying Him and listening to Him.
For example, Daniel submitted himself to God to win the battle against him, and even if he was thrown into the lions’ den, he got out of it. This is because God fought Daniel’s battle ,Daniel won. Jesus submitted to God’s hands and died ,but God put His death.
↪️,Christian weapons and armor
A soldier must practice or train before going into battle. He also wears battle-worn clothing before going into battle that protects him from enemy arrows. Likewise, a Christian must engage in spiritual training and practice of the Holy Spirit when fighting Satan. He has to practice to gain strength. He also has the power to use their power.
Power means using the power they have. The Holy Spirit gives us strength ,and the power is in Jesus we have received the abo childhood by our faith.
If we have power and we have power, we can use our power. And so it is if we have power and we have no power. But a Christian must hold both power and authority.
A Christian should put on righteousness as a breastplate and the gospel of peace as a helmet.
Christ prevailed and took the victory from Satan.
Satan has a weapon to fight with. By bringing down and exalting his power over this earth, Satan continues his rule over this world. But a Christian must be more powerful. This power must be used by the authorities.
Even if Satan fights against us, they cannot separate us from the love of
In general, a Christian must fight Satan, keep his boundaries , believe in and hold fast to Jesus the Son of God.
May God make us those who are armed and ready. May God help us to keep the limits of our victory ,and be grateful.
Thank You god.