The Sea Will Not Extinguish the Fire of Love.
The inability to extinguish the fire of love with the sea is a sign of the power of love. One of the ways we put out fires is with water.
Water not only contains the power to extinguish fire but it also has the power to kill.
When we say that the fire of love cannot be extinguished by the sea, we mean that no matter how long he fights for love, he cannot be defeated. Love is the winner.
Love is a winner.
There are Many signs of true love.
The Sign of Love.
1,Love is a terrible Jealousy.
2,Love believes everything.
3,Love ,does not anger.
4,Patient love.
5,Love shows Kindness.
- Love does not count transgressions. 7,He can love.
- Love does not think evil. This sign of love is evident in true love. True love doesn’t change in the change of life. True love does not change its character in hardship and shame and in gaining and losing. Let me take a true story as an example. There were two male friends.
The two male friends also grew up together since childhood. They went to school together until they finished university. They wore the same clothes and the same shoes all these years. Using the same hotel,their accommodation is never alone and they live together. After university, they both became successful in business. They became owners and car owners. When they bought a car, they both bought the same car. This is not because they lack the money to buy two cars but because they don’t want to part ways. One day it happened,a friend of his had a girlfriend.
They have never broken up since he had a girlfriend.
However, one day his friend went to spend time with his girlfriend one evening. The couple married in a two-bedroom house and slept separately in a hotel for the first time.
When they woke up in the morning, however, the woman’s friend had suffered the most.
This was not because the woman loved him, but because people were jealous of their love.
His friend who stayed in his room next door tried to call him in the morning but the phone didn’t work.
When I came out here and knocked on his door, no one would open it.
The door itself was locked and opened when he tried to open it. When he went upstairs and saw his friend he had an incredible experience.
He was immediately taken to the hospital for treatment. However, his friend was later told that he could speak and walk.
The victim’s family wanted to come and take their child but his friend reminded them that they couldn’t live without him.
He refused to give it to his family, saying they would not take my friend but come and see him whenever they wanted.
His friend scraped together all the money he had and sold his car to take him to his famous hospital for treatment . But he could not be healed. He continued to babysit his partner all the time, putting food in his mouth, changing clothes , taking him to the bathroom.
This was for Five years.
After his money ran out, he became desperate.
I decided to do something. He called his friend’s family to come and pick him up and decided to commit suicide.
He also called his family and bought medicine that would kill him within two hours. Before taking the drug, he wrote a letter to his friend for the last time and prepared it for his family. he wrote and got up from the table.
The letter was thrown from the table by the wind through the window to his sick friend. His friend could not kneel down and looked down and began to read. As he read the letter, his body began to shake with nervousness. On it he fell to the ground from his seat.
His friend saw him and screamed so much that he was admitted to the hospital.
After treatment, he woke up and his body was restored.
Believe it or not, it was a miracle day for the two friends. Eventually they both died and continued their lives.
From this story we learn that true love has great power beyond our control.
True love is not only with you when you are healthy ,when you are rich but it is always with you.
True love is not based on benefits.
True love is more quick to benefit than to use.
True love is not one that rejoices when it gains from you and is sad and leaves you when it loses.
True love has no measure.
Answer your own below the available questions.
1,is there true love in you?
2,Why does he love people?
There are three types of love. One of them is the love of agaphe.
This love is an unchanging love of love that loves someone as well. That is, they love someone without any consequences or reasons.
A person is very patient with someone he loves. Many times a person who loves each other doesn’t stay away from each other during conflict, doesn’t give up, why do you fight together. These people who love each other have the power to love each other, not to hate each other. Man does whatever he can, doesn’t he?.
All these people who truly love each other can do is love each other.
True love makes the king bow to the slave.
It is love that made Jesus the Son of God human while He was God.
Love makes you obey ,make you submissive.
People who love each other in true love ,trust each other and don’t doubt each other.
hold on to true love.
Thanks for reading.